Year 8 Charity Extravaganza
Who knew working hard and thinking of others could be so much fun?
Year 8 have certainly learnt that last week, with their truly wonderful Charity Extravaganza. Co-ordinated through English lessons, students were given the challenge of selecting a charity, planning a fundraising activity and then ensuring everything was meticulously organised by the time the event took place last Monday. This led to a super rise in collective responsibility, amazing team work and the devising of some really original ways of fundraising.
The whole experience also meant both staff and students gained a new perspective on the people they spend so much time with every day. It was inspiring to see the personal commitment some showed to individual causes, whether it was a cancer charity that had been selected because of a family experience, or an environmental charity which showed how concerned some of us are for the planet we so utterly rely on. In total, 28 charities profited from the event, both financially and through the excellent promotional materials students had made in order to raise awareness.
Students benefitted massively from the whole experience. Taking ownership of the process meant they had to communicate with charities, carefully plan and address potential problems, co-ordinate their organisation to ensure fairness and equality of responsibility and demonstrate real maturity.
The result was a great day with a huge range of indoor and outdoor events. A very positive community spirit emerged as other year groups spent their lunch time playing games, buying merchandise and reading and hearing about the charities. Staff also played an important role ensuring the event went smoothly, spending money and helping out on stalls. All in all, a great and memorable day which ended up being lots of fun.
Well done Year 8 – yet more evidence of what a great year group they are and they raised over £700!