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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Latest News

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  • 16/01/20

    Little Shop of Horrors!

    Tickets are selling fast for Thursday and Friday - you can get yours at
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  • 03/12/19

    Exam Certificate Collection

    Students who took examinations in May/June 2019
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  • 18/11/19

    Community Carol Service

    Callington Community College invites you to our annual Community Carol Service at St Mary's Church, Callington on Tuesday 17 December from 7.00 pm.
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  • 20/09/19

    Taking Control on Climate Change

    On Friday 20 September, many young people and adults across the world were involved in raising awareness to try and ensure we start dealing with the climate crisis we are currently living through.
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  • 18/09/19

    Easy Fundraising

    We’ve started using This is a website that turns your online purchases into free donations for Callington Community College, at no extra cost to you.
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  • 10/09/19

    Letter from the Principal

    Please see a letter from the Principal,  Mrs Wendy Ainsworth, below.
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  • 15/08/19

    Celebration Time For Sixth Form Students

    Students and staff at Callington Community College have been rewarded for all their hard work, dedication and commitment over the past two years by securing excellent A level and Level 3 results.
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  • 13/08/19

    Sixth Form Induction ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Callington Community College Sixth Form welcomed the new intake of students for a two day induction at the end of June, to help them make the transition into Post 16 life. Over 65 students attended, with a number of external students who have made the decision to continue their education by stu...
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  • 13/08/19

    Year 13 Leavers Celebrations

    On Friday 28 June the Year 13 students said their final goodbye to the College. After a tremendous amount of work the students put into their exams, they finally celebrated coming to the end of their school life. 
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  • 19/06/19

    GCSE and A Level Art and Photography Exhibition

    We would like to invite Year 11 and Year 13 students along with Parents, Carers and family members to view work completed by the students this year.
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  • 04/06/19

    Student Leadership 2019-2020

    Applications are invited from current Year 10 students for the post of 'Prefect' from September 2019.
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  • 03/06/19

    Careers Information Evening

    For Parents, Carers and Students in Year 9, 10 and 12. Tuesday 11 June, 6.00 pm.
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