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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Latest News

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  • 22/01/18

    Cornwall Schools Cross Country Championships

    The Cornwall Schools Cross Country Championships took place in Newquay on Saturday 20 January in wet, muddy and incredibly windy conditions!
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  • 18/12/17

    Christmas Themed Mufti!

    Christmas Themed Mufti Day - Tuesday 19 December
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  • 13/12/17

    Year 10 Geography Field Trip

    On Thursday and Friday of last week,  Year 10 Geography students went to Dawlish Warren to collect data for their Geography coursework.
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  • 06/12/17

    Christmas Hamper Collection with the Callington Lions Club

    Students at Callington Community College are working with the Callington Lions Club to collect non-perishable food items and toiletries for families in the local community who need support at this time of year.
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  • 01/12/17

    Girls in Science - Crystal Fun

    This week in Girls in Science, Emily and Poppy, Science Ambassadors in Year 8, led the session on Crystals. 
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  • 22/11/17

    A Level Physics Students Present Their Findings

    Last week, five of our A level Physics students made the best kind of STEM ambassadors when they presented findings from their IRIS project at the Cambourne Science and International Academy.
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  • 21/11/17

    Cornwall School Games Wins National Award

    This week Cornwall won a national award for its School Games programme at the 2017 School Games summit at Telford International Centre.
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  • 21/11/17


    Tuesday 5 December - Friday 8 December at 7.00 pm in the Main Hall. Tickets now available from Reprographics at Callington Community College.
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  • 15/11/17

    Year 8 History WW1 Trenches

    Miss Dunlop is extremely proud of her Year 8 History groups and all the effort they have put into making their WW1 trenches. Here are just a few examples of their amazing work!
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  • 13/11/17

    'Girls in Science' Club

    'Girls in Science' club has been very exciting with around 30 year 7 and 8 girls regularly attending every Wednesday lunchtime. 
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  • 10/11/17

    Primary Tag Rugby Festival

    On Wednesday 8 November students from Callington Community College led a Primary Tag Rugby Festival for Year 4, 5 and 6 students.
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