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Callington Community College

Callington Community College


Head of Department: Mrs P Jones 

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and in particular the study of human behaviour and mental processes. This is relevant on a personal level to us all particularly as members of society.  It must also be noted that the study of the mind is ongoing and will continue forever!  It is a fascinating subject and one that students fully embrace.  This is an opportunity for students to gain scientific understanding of the human mind and behaviour in relation to themselves and others.

Psychology at Callington Community College provides an exciting and challenging learning experience for students. At Key Stage 4 the students are taught over a three year course starting in Year 9.   The GCSE qualification is a sound foundation for A Level.  The course is very popular at GCSE and many students continue their Psychology onto A Level in Key Stage 5.

Key Stage 4

Our students cover a range of areas at GCSE Level; development, memory, psychological problems, social influence, the brain and neuropsychology, criminal psychology, sleep and dreaming and research methods.  Further details of which can be found on the following website:

Students gain a real understanding and develop life-long skills in terms of critical thinking, analytical and evaluative expertise as well as a rich knowledge related to what it means to be a human.

The course is 100% examined and there are opportunities to fully participate in teacher led sessions, group work, participation in research, running research, deliver presentations and engage fully in their own learning.

Psychology students will have an interest in explanations for human behaviour and any time spent outside of lessons developing this interest will support their learning.  Watching films and TV programmes, reading books, browsing the internet, if the content is related to the topics we cover, it will help to develop understanding and provide a broader knowledge.  As well as this they will complete practice exam questions and other specific homework tasks on a regular basis.  These will be assessed regularly and allow us to monitor progress and feedback strategies for improvement to the students.

Key Stage 5

Head of Department: 

Mrs P Jones BSc (Hons), PGCE, MBPsS

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and in particular the study of human behaviour and mental processes. This is relevant on a personal level to us all particularly as members of society.  It must also be noted that the study of the mind is ongoing and will continue forever!  It is a fascinating subject and one that students fully embrace.  This is an opportunity for students to gain scientific understanding of the human mind and behaviour in relation to themselves and others.

A Level Course

The Psychology course enables students to think scientifically about why people behave and think as they do. It focuses on knowledge and understanding of concepts, theories and studies from a wide range of topics such as the development of psychological disorders, treatments and the ongoing research into whether behaviour is determined by our genes or the environment.

Students will explore psychological approaches related to the core areas of psychology, for example cognitive, social, biological and developmental, as well as develop an insight in to the many research methods used by psychologists.

Psychology is a science A level and therefore requires a number of mathematical skills and the ability to express ideas clearly in essay-style questions. Consequently students should have 5 A* to C grades at GCSE, including C grades in Maths,  English and a Science if they intend to study the course. Students will, however, be considered on an individual basis.

Course Content  (7181 AS Level)    (7182 A Level)

Length of Course Units Unit Content
AS Level (1 year) Unit 1 Introductory Topics in Psychology
Social Influence
  Unit 2 Psychology in context
Approaches in Psychology
Research Methods
A Level (2 years) Unit 1 Introductory Topics in Psychology
Social Influence
  Unit 2 Psychology in Context
Approaches in Psychology
Research Methods
  Unit 3 Issues and Options in Psychology
Issues and Debates in Psychology

A successful Psychology student will have an interest in explanations for human behaviour, so time spent outside of lessons developing this interest will support their learning further.  Either by watching films and TV programmes, reading books, browsing the internet, if the content is related to the topics we cover, it will help them to develop understanding and provide a broader and in-depth knowledge.  As well as this they will need to complete practice exam questions and other specific homework tasks on a regular basis.  These will be assessed regularly and will allow us to monitor progress and feedback strategies for improvement to the students.

Higher Education and Career Opportunities

Students will learn the fundamentals of Psychology and develop skills valued by Higher Education and employers, including critical analysis, independent thinking and research. Psychology compliments many additional subjects at higher education such as Law, Social Policy, Biology, Anthropology, Sociology, Teaching, Sports Studies, Nursing, Medicine and Law to name a few.

Psychology is recognised by employers as a subject that develops a wide range of skills and understanding.  Career opportunities exist in: Sports Science, Health, Business, Politics, Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, Education, Technology Development, Engineering and many more.

 Further details of which can be found on the following website: