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Callington Community College

Callington Community College


Head of Department: Miss C Mitchell

Welcome to the Physical Education Department.  We are a dynamic, committed and hardworking team, with a range of specialisms and experience and a number of staff with responsibilities in the wider College. As a Department, we are enthusiastic about the provision and opportunities we provide to all students and we work constantly to maintain our high standards of delivery. We aim for our students to become competent performers in a broad range of activities, embedding values such as fairness and respect. We place a huge emphasis on the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle and hope to create a lifelong interest in sport and physical activity for as many of our young people as possible. We actively promote the benefits of physical activity for improving both physical and mental health.

For advice on how to have a healthy lifestyle, we recommend visiting the pages at Change4Life


The College and Physical Education Department prides itself on the facilities at the College. Currently there are the following:

  • Sports Hall
  • Gymnasium
  • Dance Studio
  • Fitness suite with cardio vascular machines and resistance equipment
  • Free weights area
  • Multi Use Games Area
  • 3G astro turf pitch
  • Field
  • PE specific Classroom

Key Stage 3

All students have 2 hours a week of curriculum time in Physical Education. We deliver our curriculum through 3 main Processes and these also form the basis of our internal assessment.

  • – the ‘doing’ element (performing the skills and techniques, effectiveness in competition)
  • – the ‘thinking element (understanding rules and strategy, analysing performance)
  • Choice and Leadership (selecting appropriate roles, officiating, leading others)

Students take part in a variety of activities throughout Key Stage 3.  These activities are designed to provide a broad and balanced breadth of study. Students are in groups based on ability using data received from Primary Schools and a baseline assessment made by the Department when they join us in Year 7. Groupings are not fixed and very much depend on progress made by each student as they move through the College. Students can find their curriculum maps outside the changing rooms, detailing their schedule for the forthcoming academic year.

Key Stage 4

All Students in Key Stage 4 take part in 4 hours of Physical Education per fortnight.

There are over 20 different activities that we are currently able to offer and we constantly look to add new and diverse opportunities into the curriculum where possible. Each class is given an input into what they take part in, and at the end of each year they select activities from a menu of options. We believe that it is this autonomy and choice that leads to our high levels of engagement and enjoyment.

GCSE students receive an addition 4 hours of Physical Education a fortnight which is divided into 3 theory lessons and 1 practical lesson.  Delivery for the GCSE course follows the OCR Exam board.

Key Stage 5

We currently offer both the AS and A Level Examination Course following the OCR Exam board specification .

The Department also offers the OCR Technical in Sport, which is a Level 3 qualification.

Extra Curricular

The College has successful sports teams and individuals in numerous sports at a range of different levels and you can find out more information in the newsletters and student profiles.

We are members of the Arena School Sports Partnership and through that we enter many central venue competitions and leagues.

There are many opportunities to participate in sport outside of lessons, these include clubs in:

  • Basketball
  • Fitness
  • Netball
  • Rounders
  • Tennis
  • Badminton
  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Dodgeball and Handball depending on the season and the competitions running in the local area

In addition to the above we also run inter-tutor group competitions at the end of each term, take part in National School Sports Week every June and organise a whole-College Sports Day in July.