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Callington Community College

Callington Community College



"Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future"

 - Michael Palin.

The Callington Geography vision is to inspire pupils to develop a critical understanding of the world they live in, the human and physical processes that shape and change it and ultimately to establish their role in the modern world as global citizens.

We are an enthusiastic team of Geography specialists who are passionate about sharing our love of the subject.  We recognise that fieldwork is an integral part of Geography and we endeavour to give all students the opportunity to access learning outside of the classroom. Geography is a popular subject at Callington with strong uptake at GCSE and A Level.

The Geography department aims to:

  • Fascinate and inspire students about the physical and human beauty of the Earth.
  • Develop students understanding and curiosity of the challenges to humanity.
  • Encourage students to be sensitive, empathetic and conscious of their place in the earth and their global responsibility.
  • Inspire students to become confident, skilful and employable individuals, who can adapt to a rapidly changing world.

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3:

The curriculum that we offer at KS3 is diverse and inspiring.  It aims to engage students in their locality as well as giving them an understanding of national and global issues. We use a range of teaching and assessment strategies including report writing, letter writing, role plays, decision-making exercises and fieldwork enquiries.  Students study a range of human and physical units during their 4 hours of Geography a fortnight including:

Year 7

  • Fantastic Places
  • One Planet, Many People
  • How Sustainable Is Our Planet?
  • Weather and Climate.

Year 8

  • Tectonic Hazards
  • Sea to Summit
  • Pole to Pole: Our Global Biomes
  • Development

Year 9

  • Contemporary Issues: The Middle East
  • Climate Change
  • The Living world


Key Stage 4

Geography is a popular option at GCSE. The course is taught over two years.  As well as subject content the students are taught skills throughout the course such as map skills, enquiry skills and data handling. There is the opportunity for local fieldwork in year 10 and 11.

The students study the AQA specification.  The topics that are covered include:

Paper 1: Living with the physical environment

  • The challenge of natural hazards
  • The living world
  • Physical landscapes in the UK

Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment

  • Urban issues and challenges
  • The changing economic world
  • The challenge of resource management

Paper 1 and 2 are each worth 35% and the exams are 1 hour 30 minutes.

Paper 3: Geographical Applications

In this paper, worth 30% of the overall grade, the students will be assessed on their fieldwork and geographical skills.  We will offer the students a day of fieldwork in each year.  The paper will also include an issue evaluation exercise which is based on a pre-release booklet that we will have studied in class.  The exam is 1 hour and 15 minutes

Key Stage 5

We have chosen an exciting and contemporary course which deals with many current issues and helps the students to gain an understanding of the world around them and the issues that it faces.

The students study the Edexcel A Level.  The course recognises that we live in an ever changing world and so it focuses on fundamental processes, reflects on the world around us and encourages the students to foster an understanding of what could impact its future.

For the A level qualification the students will sit three exams and complete an individual investigation.

Paper 1 – 30%, 2 hours and 15 minutes

Tectonic Processes and Hazards

Landscape Systems, Processes and Change

Water Cycle and Water Insecurity

Carbon Cycle and Energy Security

Paper 2 – 30%, 2 hours and 15 minutes


Shaping Places


Global Development and Connections

Paper 3 -20%, 2 hours and 15 minutes

This paper will be based on a geographical issue within a place-based context.  It will be rooted in two or more of the compulsory content areas.

Individual Investigation – 20%

For this the students will produce a 3000-4000 word written report.  The students will be able to design a question which relates to any aspect of the content.  They will need to show evidence of primary data collection as well as the use of secondary data.  It will give the students the opportunity to develop their analytical, evaluative and written skills.

During their A Level course the students will complete at least 4 days of fieldwork.  This will be made up of both day trips in the local area and also a residential trip to Dorset.

Geography and Your Future

Geography is valued by universities as an A Level choice as Geographers have had the chance to develop a wide range of skills throughout their course.  If you choose to continue your Geography studies at university, Geography graduates have one of the highest rates of graduate employment (RGS).  Furthermore, The Russell Group report (PDF) names Geography as one of the eight facilitating subjects. A facilitating subject is a subject most likely to be required or preferred for entry to degree courses and choosing facilitating subjects will keep more options open to you at university. The broad skills base also means that Geography is looked favourably upon by employers.  

‘Geographers enter a very wide range of career areas and put simply there is no such thing as a geography job, there are jobs that geographers do.  Studying geography provides you with valuable skills and a firm base for life-long learning.’

- Royal Geographical Society