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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Computing and IT

Welcome to the Computing and ICT Department at Callington

The Computing Curriculum at Callington gives students an insight into how computational thinking and creativity can be used to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with Mathematics, Science and Design & Technology. The core of Computing is Computer Science, in which students are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. For students with a more artistic and creative flair, there is the opportunity to study game design and graphic design through iMedia.

Why Computing and ICT

  • To give students a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works
  • To give students an insight into information and cyber security
  • Allows students to develop critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills
  • Provides excellent preparation for higher study and employment in Computer Science
  • Allow students to apply a creative flair to digital applications

Key Stage 3

At the start of years 7 and 8 students are taught how to stay safe in an ever-changing online world. This also includes copyright and the protection of digital work (online or otherwise). Then the curriculum takes a stronger bias toward Computing and Computer Science as follows:

Year 7

  • Algorithms with flowcharts
  • Programming and game design in Scratch
  • Programming the BBC Microbit Computer

Year 8

  • An introduction to computer systems including hardware and software
  • Computational thinking
  • Python Programming
  • Game Design using Gamemaker

Year 9

  • Storytelling through the creation of comic strips
  • Python Programming
  • Data Representation

Key Stage 4

OCR GCSE Computer Science

Computing is of enormous importance to the economy, and the role of Computer Science as a discipline itself and as an ‘underpinning’ subject across science and engineering it is growing rapidly.

There are two paper-based external examinations:

  • Paper 1: Computer Systems
  • Paper 2: Computational Thinking, Algorithms & Programming

There is a controlled assessment exercise which is a practical programming project in a high level language such as Python or Visual Basic.

GCSE Computer Science counts towards the English Baccalaureate science measure.


OCR Creative iMedia

This Cambridge National in Creative iMedia equips students with the wide range of knowledge and skills needed to work in the creative digital media sector. They start at pre-production and develop their skills through practical assignments as they create final multimedia products. Each project-based unit follows a similar pattern, developing skills in research, planning, design and evaluation. Much of the work will be completed on a computer, so learners will develop essential IT skills and will likely use software they have little or no experience of using to date.

R081: Pre-Production Skills (Mandatory)

  • Worth 25% of the overall qualification grade
  • Assessed by external exam
  • The exam is 1 hour 15 minutes long and has a potential 60 marks available
  •  This unit focuses on the pre-production skills used in the creative and digital media industry

R082: Creating Digital Graphics (Mandatory)

  • Worth 25% of the overall qualification grade
  • Assessed through a portfolio of work marked in school out of 60 and then externally moderated
  • This unit focuses on creating digital graphics such as album covers, advertisements and book covers
  • The unit includes research, planning and review work

The remaining 50% of the learner's grade comes from a further two units, these cover a wide range of options and could include:

  • Creation of 2D or 3D digital characters
  • Storytelling with a comic strip
  • Creating a multi-page website
  • Creating an interactive multimedia product
  • Developing a digital game

Key Stage 5 / Sixth Form

The post-16 ICT and Computing Curriculum is currently under review with a view to courses re-commencing in the near future.