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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Getting to Callington/Buses

School Transport is generally limited to those children attending their designated or nearest school and when one of the following apply:

  • The school is more than two miles from the home address for a primary school child in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3;
  • The school is more than three miles from the home address for a primary school child in Year 4, Year 5 or Year 6;
  • The school is more than three miles from the home address for a child attending a secondary school (Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 or Year 11);
  • The pupil is unable to walk to school by reason of their special educational need, disability or mobility problem;
  • The nature of the walking route to the school is deemed by the Local Authority as being unsuitable for pedestrian use

There are additional entitlements for children from families on low income - defined as those in receipt of Free School Meals or their maximum level of Working Tax Credits.  Children from 'low income' families are eligible for free transport when one of the following apply:

  • The child is attending their designated or nearest primary school which is within 2-3 miles of their home address;
  • The child is attending one of their nearest three secondary schools within 2-6 miles of their home address.

Transport will occasionally be provided in other exceptional circumstances at the Local Authority's discretion.

Transport is provided to and from school at the scheduled start and finish times Monday to Friday. Transport will not be scheduled to accommodate a child's individual timetable or extra-curricular activities. Transport will only be provided via the most cost-effective suitable method.

For further details on eligibility criteria, please refer to Cornwall's Home to School Transport Policy (see links below).

How Do I Apply?

If you believe that you meet the above eligibility criteria, you can apply for transport using the link below.

Click here to apply for Home to School Transport online

If you need help in completing the application or are unsure of your eligibility for free home to school transport, please contact the Pupil Transport Team on 0300 1234 101 or by email at

Need a Replacement Bus Pass?

If you have lost your bus pass, you need to contact the Passenger Transport Unit on 0300 1234 222 to purchase a replacement pass.  You do not need to complete a new application form.

Sixth Form / College (Post 16) Transport

Please do not use this form if you are going into Year 12+ attending a Further Education College or Sixth Form. Instead, please follow the link Post 16 Transport and complete an application form.

If you do not live ‘in-catchment’

The College operates a number of bus routes on which you can book a place for an annual fee. Should you have any questions regarding any of these bus services, you can contact us by email at

Policy and Guidance