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Callington Community College

Callington Community College


Callington Community College is a learning environment at the heart of its community. We promote care and respect and expect high standards in all aspects of College life. Our aim is to meet the needs of young people in South East Cornwall preparing them for adult and working life in the 21st century.

The curriculum should inspire and challenge all students and prepare them for the future. The College’s aim is to develop a coherent curriculum that builds on students’ experiences in the primary phase that helps all students to become successful learners, confident individuals and helps students prepare for life in Modern Britain and take up their positions in society as responsible global citizens. Specifically, the curriculum should help students to:

  • achieve high standards and make excellent progress
  • enable those not achieving age-related expectations to narrow the gap and catch up with their peers
  • have and be able to use high quality personal, learning and thinking skills and become independent learners
  • have and be able to use high quality functional skills, including key literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills
  • be challenged and stretched to achieve their potential
  • enjoy and be committed to life-long learning
  • value their learning outside of the curriculum and relate this to the taught curriculum

A range of exciting academic and vocational courses are available at Callington Community College. These opportunities are continually developed in order to appeal to students’ strengths and interests and to enable progression. In the Sixth Form, level 3 and many further courses become available. Information about the current entry requirements to post 16 courses can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus which can be viewed on the website or a copy can be requested from the Sixth Form Office or the Main Reception.  

The English Baccalaureate is available to all students currently choosing their options.  All young people are expected to achieve highly in English, Mathematics and the Sciences. In addition to these subjects, it is our advice that any student who is capable of being successful in Geography or History and a Foreign Language should seriously consider taking these subjects.