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Callington Community College

Callington Community College


Science Intent 

The Science Department at Callington Community College is driven to provide a high-quality education and inclusive experiences for all our students, whatever their age and ability. 

The Science department vision:

Science is a department where all students achieve to their highest potential through a joy of learning. An environment of high expectations, positivity and respect allows all to thrive and grow. By fostering a sense of wonder, awe and curiosity all students will understand the relevance and importance of the Science in society and be enthused to further their studies independently.

Our curriculum aims to engage and intellectually stimulate students by:

  • Fostering curiosity in the world around the young person, stimulating a respect for the complexity and beauty of the environment around them.
  • Providing a broad understanding of the careers available in Science, and supporting students to take their next steps into these careers.
  • Developing the disciplinary skills and knowledge for students to understand the significance of scientific breakthroughs, past, present and future and their impact on wider society. 
  • Mastering the skills, knowledge and attributes for students to be scientifically literate members of society. 

A high-quality Science education is rooted in an authentic understanding of what Science is. We achieve this using a Mastery approach allowing students to relate their learning to real life issues and various contexts. This recognises Science as a discipline of enquiry, underpinned by substantive and embedded disciplinary knowledge, that seeks to explain the material world. A sequenced and ambitious curriculum prioritises pupils building on prior knowledge of key concepts (colour coded in table below) in a meaningful way that ensures that they develop as future Scientists. The Science curriculum is planned to take account of the vital function of knowledge in relation to future learning.

Practical work is used to build on prior knowledge, develop disciplinary knowledge through guided discovery and increase subject engagement through a sense of awe and wonder. Regular enrichment activities develop a curiosity and love of Science among students.

By the end of their education in Science at Callington Community College, all students of Science will have develop the substantive, procedural and disciplinary knowledge to understand the significance of scientific breakthroughs, past, present and future and their impact on wider society. They will have mastered the skills, substantive knowledge and attributes for students to be scientifically literate members of society.

In order to fully appreciate Science and develop a deep schema, topics in Science have been intelligently sequenced to allow students to acquire a deep understanding of the necessary powerful knowledge in a spiral of topics which provide the necessary prior knowledge to allow successful further learning

The Science curriculum at Callington Community College has been influenced by the research work completed by OFSTED Research review series: Science, April 2021, The National College and Huh: Curriculum conversations between subject and senior leaders by Mary Myatt and John Tomsett.

Our Science curriculum addresses disadvantage through the provision of high-quality teaching, differentiated planning and a variety of targeted teaching strategies that ensure an inclusive experience for all our students, whatever their age and ability.

We believe that Science contributes to the personal development of all of our students by fostering curiosity in the world around the young person and stimulating a respect for the complexity and beauty of the environment around them.

Opportunities to build an understanding of Social, Moral and Ethical issues are developed alongside links to the wider world, including careers, through teaching the Science in a wide range of real-life contexts, providing a broad understanding of the careers available in Science, and supporting students to take their next steps into these careers.

Science Year 7 Knowledge Overview - click here

Science Year 8 Knowledge Overview - click here

Science Year 9 Knowledge Overview - click here

Biology Year 10 Knowledge Overview - click here

Biology Year 11 Knowledge Overview - click here

Chemistry Year 10 Knowledge Overview - click here

Chemistry Year 11 Knowledge Overview - click here

Physics Year 10 Knowledge Overview - click here

Physics Year 11 Knowledge Overview - click here