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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Cultural Studies


Latin Intent

The writer Charlotte HiIl neatly sums up our intent for our students at Callington Community College when she says that studying Latin ‘helps create curious students who have the tools to see our world as it really is because they have encountered and imaginatively experienced another that is so like, and so very unlike, our own

Latin aims to provide a foundation in linguistic and cultural competence, enabling learners to gain knowledge and understanding of the Roman world through reading and responding to its language and literature. In particular, GCSE Latin encourages learners to deploy their knowledge and understanding of the ancient language to deepen their understanding of English. Further, students will develop research and analytical skills which will empower them to become independent students and enquirers.

In a multi-cultural and multi-faith society such as our own, the Roman civilisation warrants close study and understanding. It is through an empathetic approach to cultural difference that we aim to promote the values of tolerance and respect for others within our community.

By the end of their education in Latin at Callington Community College, all students of Latin will: 

  • Not only learn the language that the Romans spoke but also (and just as importantly) learn about the people using this language – their lifestyles, entertainment and daily routines.
  • Become confident readers of Latin.
  • Have the ability to respond in detail to Latin Literature.
  • Become experts about Roman Civilisation topics.

In order to fully appreciate Latin and develop a deep schema, the Latin curriculum will be implemented by the following rationale:

  • Latin lessons are planned using a logically sequenced iterative curriculum that is structured and engaging.
  • Latin lessons start with review questions on prior learning.
  • Concepts and skills of Latin language are broken down into small steps. Students will master each step.
  • The teacher will use a variety of modelling strategies to explain how to solve language problems. This will be supported by visuals and concrete resources.
  • Questioning will be used to check understanding, draw out misconceptions and encourage deeper thinking. Students will use key vocabulary to explain and reason.
  • Mini-whiteboards will be used for guided practice and to check understanding.
  • Students will practise language skills through intelligent practice and then through a broad range of problem solving tasks.
  • Reasoning skills are developed through both verbal and written work.
  • Language programs such as Suburani and Textivate are used to support vocabulary learning.
  • Opportunities will be planned to practise GCSE questions.
  • Language problem solving is a key element of every lesson. Teachers model how to solve language features.
  • Whole class feedback is used to support students.
  • Students will have a clear understanding of their strengths and areas for development.
  • The teacher will use weekly and monthly reviews of prior learning to reinforce long-term memory. 
  • Formative and summative assessment is used to measure the acquisition of knowledge so that teachers know the gaps in student knowledge and can adapt their interventions, planning and classroom practice accordingly.

You can access our GCSE Latin Portal here


Spanish Intent 

Spanish Subject Statement of Intent.

In our increasingly globalised world, language learning is not only a form of communication, learning a language provides a gateway to understanding other cultures. It offers opportunities to explain personal thoughts and feelings to a diverse range of people and in turn understand theirs, thus forming bonds and relationships across communities. It provides socio-economic benefits by making individuals more appealing to employers both at home and abroad. Research suggests that learning a language can improve general intelligence, the ability to solve problems, multi-task and even reduces the risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in old age. These wide ranging and significant benefits mean that effective Language learning should be central to an effective education curriculum.

Our curriculum provides students with the necessary tools to be effective communicators, contributors and citizens of the modern world. 

Our students are guided to acquire a solid linguistic foundation on which to independently build further knowledge and skills and to be brave enough to take risks, explore, try and achieve in Spanish. We want our students to be proud of their work and celebrate their success in languages. 

The National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy (NCELP) and their work with University of York has influenced our curriculum at both Key Stages Three and Four.

Our Spanish curriculum addresses disadvantage by providing students of all backgrounds opportunities to engage with and develop the wide-ranging linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic and intellectual opportunities provided by high quality language learning. Pupil Premium funding will be utilised to ensure that all students are able to access the resources and wider opportunities provided by the Spanish curriculum.

The learning of Spanish by its very nature will provide opportunities to develop the Social and Cultural aspects of SMSC. Further to this, the increased cultural and diverse understanding arising from language learning will enable students to develop a deeper understanding of the Spiritual and Moral ideas and issues of a wider range of cultures.


Our curriculum planning enables students to know and understand:

  • The phonics system of the language they are studying.
  •  A rich blend of interesting, expressive high frequency vocabulary.
  • Core verbs in a variety of tenses including past, present, future, conditional and subjunctive.
  • Complex linguistic structures including infinitive phrases, idioms, comparatives and superlatives.
  • Facts about key aspects of culture including traditions, food, celebrations, history and music.

We offer opportunities for our students to use their knowledge to develop the ability to:

  • Talk and write about themselves, their families and the world around them.
  • Understand and respond to information from a variety of sources including reading authentic texts and listening to authentic dialogue.
  • Speak confidently for a variety of purposes such as transactional exchanges, description and narration.
  • Write creatively for a variety of audiences such as through blogs, articles and emails 
  • Translate confidently from and into the target language  
  • Work independently to master key vocabulary and linguistic structures.
  • Engage in and learn from culturally enriching activities in order to build their cultural capital.


The MFL department implements its curriculum intent through:

  • Robust schemes of learning at all key stages which clearly sign post the student learning journey and which are inclusive of all students, challenging them to reach their potential.
  • Up to date Pedagogy that evolves and changes to reflect the most current research. 
  • Meaningful interleaved assessment both formal and in the moment, which allows the reshaping of learning at the point of misconception as well as over the course of a unit, module or year. 
  • Offering a wide range of enrichment opportunities including many trips abroad, language clubs and language leader programme etc.
  • Promoting a curriculum that explores local customs and traditions of the countries where the language is spoken.
  • Celebrating and raising awareness of multiculturalism in our setting
  • Giving students a sought-after skill for an ever increasingly global workplace.
  • Ensuring staff have regular opportunities to develop their subject knowledge and collaborate with peers


The MFL department is constantly reflecting on the impact of the curriculum implementation and is striving towards:

  • Confident speakers who are open minded towards new places, people and cultures with developed character traits that reflect our whole school values such as tolerance, respect, and empathy. 
  • Competent linguists with detailed knowledge and language skills which they can use for the rest of their lives, in a whole range of capacities.
  • Communicative students who have developed the skills to be successful in any future learning or work environment including those specifically suited to linguists such as journalists, teachers, travel operators, translators, interpreters, and logistics consultants. 

Spanish Year 7 Knowledge Overview - click here

Spanish Year 8 Knowledge Overview - click here

Spanish Year 9 Knowledge Overview - click here

Spanish Year 10 Knowledge Overview - click here

Spanish Year 11 Knowledge Overview - click here



PSHE Intent

A key purpose of education is to prepare young people for their adult lives. However, from environmental issues to the internet, and from international relations to national politics, the world is an uncertain place. Therefore, education should help young people to develop the knowledge, skills and resilience that they will need to thrive in our complex world.  PSHE isn’t just another school subject. It is an opportunity to give all our students a place to develop some of the necessary knowledge and skills that they will need to make informed decisions that will help them to be healthy, happy and successful now and in the future.  

By the end of their education in PSHE at Callington Community College, all students will have participated in a range of curriculum experiences that encourage them to make healthy, safe and informed decisions regarding various situations and challenges which life may present them. In particular, relating to relationships (including online), drugs and addiction, and both physical and mental health. 

In order to fully appreciate PSHE and develop a deep schema, the curriculum will be delivered through the following themes: 

  • Relationships and sex (RSE)
  • Drugs and addiction
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Physical health living in the wider world
  • Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG)  

Each of these themes will develop through a spiral curriculum that is planned to provide key knowledge, understanding and skills at a relevant and age appropriate time.

The PSHE Curriculum at Callington Community College has been influenced by:

The Department for Education’s statutory guidance on Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). Further support has come from the PSHE Association, Brook (sexual health and wellbeing), YZUP (drugs and addiction), Citizens Advice Bureau and Devon / Cornwall Police.

Our PSHE curriculum addresses disadvantage through ensuring that all students are given opportunities to develop key knowledge and skills to participate healthily, safely and confidently in society. Furthermore, the prominence of discussion in PSHE will help to develop all students’ ability to articulate opinions and understanding with confidence and clarity.

PSHE Year 7 to 11 Knowledge Overview - click here


Belief and Ethics

Belief and Ethics Intent 

Belief and Ethics

Today’s complex world is at its best diverse and full of rich experiences. At its worst, it is divided and judgmental. Globalisation and in particular, the growth of the internet, social media and smart technologies have, on the one hand brought us closer to together but on the other, the greater capacity for the spreading of ignorance and hate can move us further apart. Religious Education (RE) has an important place in the curriculum of all schools. It provides a safe space for young people to develop their understanding of people, cultures, faiths, and relationships in secure environment, presenting them with accurate facts and knowledge and challenging stereotypes and assumptions.

By the end of their education in Belief and Ethics at Callington Community College, all students will explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live. This will help to ensure that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.

In order to fully appreciate Belief and Ethics and develop a deep schema, topics in Belief and Ethics have been sequenced by the following rationale:

  • Each year begins with an increasingly sophisticated epistemological study. In particular, focusing on how knowledge and beliefs are formed and their subsequent impact.
  •  In addition to this, students will be provided with numerous opportunities and case studies to develop their knowledge and understanding of a wide range of religious and cultural beliefs (with an in-depth focus on Christianity and Islam).
  • Furthermore, students will explore a range of global, social, and ethical issues and apply the knowledge they have gained about religion and belief to identify how they can shape perspectives on these issues.
  • Ultimately, leading to students articulating their own multi-layered understanding and perspectives on these issues.

The Belief and Ethics curriculum has been influenced by some of the greatest thinkers from around the world and throughout history. These include figures as diverse as Descartes, Aquinas, Lao Tzu and Confucius. Religious texts include the Bible, Qur’an and the Guru Granth Sahib and religious figures include Jesus, Muhammad, and Siddhartha Gautama.

Our Belief and Ethics curriculum addresses disadvantage by providing all students with numerous opportunities to develop their cultural capital. Firstly, through frequent exposure to rich cultural experiences that will encourage the development of empathy and open-mindedness. Secondly, the study of perspectives and critical thinking will enable all students to engage more confidently in discussion and debate and be able to articulate their opinions and perspectives.

By its very nature, Belief and Ethics contributes to the personal development of students and their understanding of SMSC. In particular, through the development of an in-depth knowledge and understanding of different religions and beliefs. Further to this the exploration of ethics and morality and influence upon this encourages young people to consider what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and apply it to the development of their own moral code.

Belief and Ethics Year 7 to 9 Knowledge Overview - click here