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Callington Community College

Callington Community College


Callington Community College Curriculum Intent

We believe that every child, regardless of their background, should be able to fulfil their academic potential and go on to thrive.

Through our pursuit of ‘restless excellence’ we will deliver a powerful, knowledge-rich curriculum enabling us to widen horizons by providing deep, fulfilling, and memorable experiences.  Through our curriculum, staff will inspire challenging goals and chase big dreams for every student so that they can live happy, healthy, and successful lives and make positive contributions within their communities.   

Guided by Michael Young’s work on powerful knowledge and Ruth Ashbee’s work on curriculum theory, we continuously strive to ensure and assure a rigorous and evidence-based approach to designing and delivering our curriculum.  Our curriculum narrative is informed by evidential research on cognitive science, memory-models, and metacognitive practice so that we can help our students to remember more and do more.  Our strategies for curriculum delivery are influenced by Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction and Skemp’s work on Relational Understanding.  By using our curriculum as a progression model, we work to make knowledge stick so that it can be used and applied in a variety of contexts and situations and in a way that will open doors and maximise the life chances of our students.

As a College, we are currently focused on the development of our year 7 and year 10 curriculum.  This is to ensure that all teachers have a clear and secure idea of progression between each phase of education and can consider how best to sequence knowledge in an all-through knowledge-rich curriculum.  

As we continue to develop the curriculum through each year group, students at Callington Community College will expand their knowledge in all areas. They will learn the latest and greatest powerful knowledge to reach their goals and have educational justice.  We will achieve this by ensuring that:

  • Staff understand what powerful knowledge is and can identify it in their subject (not just exam rubric).
  • All subjects have a deliberately knowledge-rich curriculum which is carefully planned and carried out in a considered manner.
  • We build a thirst for learning and a love of subjects at KS3 by using varied topics and an innovative curriculum – but that this also provides a good grounding for KS4 and 5.
  • Each subject area has a clear overview of their planning and rationale, through the use of a curriculum intent document and a curriculum overview
  • Each department has a dedicated focus on subject specific reading, thinking and research (in some aspect) so that they can be sure they are teaching the most useful and up to date knowledge to our students

Our curriculum is underpinned by our wider enrichment where students can access a wide variety of hobbies and other interests in a supportive and developmental environment.  As such, in each discipline, students are prepared for national assessments (and importantly) acquire knowledge from all cultural domains that builds wider cultural capital.
At Callington Community College, we teach our students powerful knowledge so that they can understand and interpret the world and to think in new and unexpected ways.

Please click on each subject heading to navigate through our curriculum offer.