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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Callington Dance Festival

Years 9, 10, 11 and 13 GCSE and A Level dance students from Callington Community College and A level students from Bodmin College had the opportunity to take part in an exciting day of dance. 

Workshops were led by professional dance artists Kay and Suzie from SpinDrift Dance Company and Leroy from Attik Dance, focusing on trying new ideas and styles, learning set material and choreographing in groups.  Students had fun and were challenged mentally and physically.  The energy they maintained was fantastic throughout a long and active day. 

This was then followed by an evening show of GCSE and A level coursework, including a large performance piece by Year 9 and 10, duo and trio work by Year 11 and solo performances in the style of Akram Khan and group choreography performed by Year 13 students.

Students quotes:

“I loved Leroy's workshop which was fun and energetic”.

“A really enjoyable yet tiring day! It really helped my choreographic skills and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole day”.

“Kay’s workshop was really energetic and fun.  Although I did her workshop last, when I was tired, she really motivated me”.