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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Strike Action - Wednesday 5 July 2023 and Friday 7 July 2023


23 June 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

RE: Strike Action on Wednesday 5 July 2023 and Friday 7 July 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

In accordance with recent news items, we can confirm we have received information regarding strike action on these two days.

As I have written previously, regarding all industrial action that has taken place this year, our first responsibility is the health and safety of our students and staff. We have considered our capacity to open and maintain appropriate ratios of staff and students very carefully. We have also conducted an extensive risk analysis and given the information we have on the potential number of staff members striking, regretfully it will not be possible to open the College to all students next Wednesday and Friday. We will be closed to the following year groups on these days;

Year 7 
Year 8
Year 9

Students in Year 10 should continue to attend (any undocumented absence from Year 10 students on these days, will be coded as unauthorised).

Year 10 students should attend in full uniform and will follow their ‘normal’ timetable as much as we can provide – some classes may be pooled together in the main hall and activities will be delivered by members of the leadership team, in the absence of teaching staff. All other school equipment e.g. stationery, should be brought in as normal. It is likely (though not guaranteed) that the day may include some physical activity outdoors, so PE kits should also be brought to school.

Sixth Form students will also have their regular lessons where staff are in attendance, but they should bring materials in to support independent study, if needed.

All students in years 7, 8 and 9 are required to complete independent work at home. The link is here to guide learning: Remote Learning Access

My sincerest apologies that we have had to restrict attendance, as stated, the health and safety of all is always my highest priority.

Kind regards

Wendy Ainsworth