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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

CCC Admission Arrangements 2024-2025 Consultation

The DfE School Admissions code states that all schools are required to formally consult on admissions arrangements at least once every seven years or more frequently if a significant change is proposed. Callington Community College is entering a formal consultation process to consider an adjustment to our PAN (published admission number) to 180 for the Year 7 intake of 2024/2025.

Over the last five to seven years, the local demographic has changed and additionally, the birth rate in this area has declined. Consequently, there are far fewer students in the local population requiring secondary school places. Our current PAN is 240 but predicted intake numbers continue to be significantly lower. It is therefore appropriate for the admissions authority to consider a reduction so that we can make most efficient use of resources to secure the best possible outcomes (both educationally and pastorally) for all students.

Callington Community College Admission Arrangements 2024/2025 (DRAFT)

The consultation process will last for a period of 6 weeks from 6 December 2022 until 17 January 2023, we are inviting interested parties to provide feedback, you can enter any comments you wish to make here.

After the period of 6 weeks, the comments received will be reviewed with members of the admissions authority: Westcountry Schools Trust (WeST) and the appropriate governing body and considered in the final policy.