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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Dance Workshop with the Matthew Bourne Company

Year 8 Callington Community College students were recently invited to attend a dance workshop with the world renowned Matthew Bourne Company.

The workshop was hosted by Ivybridge Community College and this opportunity enabled students from both schools to collaborate and work together.  

The students learnt repertoire from Bourne’s ‘Cinderella’, which is currently touring around the UK.  They were able to work with professional dancers to develop their performance and choreographic skills.  The students had a fantastic day and were truly inspired. 

The Dance Department also took a number of GCSE and A-Level Dance students to watch the Matthew Bourne ‘Cinderella’ production at Plymouth Theatre Royal, we were lucky enough to be sat in the same row as the legendary choreographer!

Matthew Bourne’s ability to take classic fairy tales and reinvent them into modern stories appeals to all generations and it was wonderful to see the students so enthused and engaged with Bourne’s contemporary balletic style. 

Many of the students who attended the workshop and performance will be performing in Callington’s annual Dance Show on Wednesday 7th March from 6pm in the Main Hall (tickets priced at £4 for adults and £2 for under 16s). This will be a great opportunity to watch and support the next generation of dancers and choreographers.  For further information please contact Mrs S Groom or Miss N De Ste Croix.